This is one of my WordPress plugins (HTML filter and csv-file search) made to add a simple ajax-search in html or in uploaded CSV-file.
The plugin has two shortcodes.
[ csvsearch src='/path/file.csv']
[ filtersearch search_element='table']
[ csvsearch ]
[ csvsearch ] is performing a search in an uploaded (or otherwise accessible) CSV-file. Use the format to set the output. use {0}, {1} etc for different columns in the file and {b}{/b}, {i}{/i} etc for simple formatting. Here is a sample with all arguments to use.
[ csvsearch
// url to uploaded file
// charset of file
// format the output
format='{b}{0}{/b}, {1}, {2}{br/}'
// format the output with link
format="{a href='{0}'}{1}{/a}"
// format the output with image
format="{img src='{0}' /}"
// search label
// format for output when instant search
// instant search enabled or not
// data ID format, i.e. what to put in data-id of the listed element.
// change the item separator depending on type of csv file used
// change the nothing found message
nothing_found_message='Nothing found when searching for: '
// If true, the shortcode will only find exact matches, case sensitive.
// Default false.
// Add text where search-result will be placed. Default none.
placeholder_text='Place some default text before searching.'
// If you only want to search in one specific column you can specify this.
// If you only want to search in the first column you enter 0 here.
// Remove this argument or add -1 to search in all columns.
// To show the first line as a header you can set show_header_row to true.
// Use class 'hk_header_row' to style.
// Default is false.
// Combine the show_header_row attribute with
// headerformat attribute to set a specific style on the
// header (see format attribute to see how it works). Also
// you use the ignore_default_header_style='true' to remove
// the default style.
// Skip file check. Useful if WP installation is in sub
// directory which is not working properly. Add this
// argument to skip the file-checking. Default is false.
// Set focus in filter input element on page load
// Default is false.
Use this [ csvsearch ] shortcode
[ csvsearch
searchtext='Search in file'
format='{b}{0} {1}{/b} {2} - {3}{br/}'
nothing_found_message='No hits for: '
to show this search
for a search in this csv-sample-file. Try searching for a name (I’m using the same sample names as in the table above) or a favorite color (pink, blue, red, …) or lucky number (3, 6, 7, …) to see the results.
[ filtersearch ]
[ filtersearch ] does a filter inside current html page. Specify which element you want to search within. You cah use either element type, .class_name of #id. See sample below for more arguments that can be used.
[ filtersearch
// what DOM element to search in, use element type, .class_name or #id
search_element='' // default to 'table'
// show table header or not when filtering
// filter heading
text='Page filter'
// class to style clear icon
// clear filter text
// Set focus in filter input element on page load
Use this [ filtersearch] shortcode
[ filtersearch
text='Filter name in table'
clear_text='Clear filter'
which enables this filter
on this table (with id name_table)
First name | Last name |
Emily | Smith |
Edith | Johnson |
John | Williams |
Sophia | Brown |
Robert | Jones |
Paula | Garcia |
Jamie | Miller |
Robert | Davis |
Martina | Rodriguez |
Pablo | Martinez |
Download the plugin from
Feel free to donate if you find the plugin useful 🙂